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Brachychiton acerifolius - Illawarra Flame Tree

Brachychiton acerifolius - Illawarra Flame Tree (Brachychiton acerifolius - Illawarra Flame Tree)

The Illawarra Flame trees are just starting to bloom now here in San Diego. It's flower are scarlet and almost plastic-looking. Photo taken at San Diego Botanical Gardens on March 1, 2011.

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Thanks for the info.

Yes, this is another popular Australian tree. I know where Illawarra is on the map. Oh, how I wish to visit there one day! :>)

There's a very common variety of palm which is widely grown here in CA. It called Archontophoenix cunninghamiana 'Illawarra' or the Illawarra King Palm.

5 Mar, 2011



I will definitely do that. :>)

Walking through the Jarrah forest will be just like walking through our millions of naturalized Eucalyptus forest here.
I think this is why so many Aussies live in, and love many Australian native trees grow here...reminding them of home. :>)

7 Mar, 2011

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