To buy or not to buy???
By Alexandramou
- 9 Mar, 2011
Comments on this photo
Ooh, thats beautiful.
9 Mar, 2011
O.K. you can buy it, its a real beauty Alex.
9 Mar, 2011
What plant is it Alexandra please, looks like an Orchid but then I am not too sure - lovely colour whatever it is!
9 Mar, 2011
It's a Cymbidium Orchid. It is gorgeous, I love it and I want it!!!
I was really after a yellow Orchid of any kind.
9 Mar, 2011
Truth only known she has already bought it,
I am getting to know her
I bet her chidren eat at the grandparents theses days.!!!
9 Mar, 2011
LOL...ha ha ha ha ha... Brian.... that was so funny. In reality I haven't bought it yet but I am soooo tempted.
Need to pay my bills first and feed my kids and if there is any left over IT IS MINE!!!
9 Mar, 2011
Thanks Annella and Yorkshire....I get to blame you when my hubby gives me the look.
9 Mar, 2011
Thanks Cinderella.
9 Mar, 2011
Oh if I was you I would starve the kids and rent out the husband for a few days make some money and go and buy it Alexandra :o) lol
9 Mar, 2011
9 Mar, 2011
You guys are BAD...I can see my kids starving and my hubby up for rent. ;o)))
9 Mar, 2011
To Buy ! :o)))
9 Mar, 2011
Alex the yellow version of the Cymbidium is more common than the one you are coveting,they sell them in the supermarkets in the UK around this time of year most come here from Holland.
9 Mar, 2011
i would buy it Alex, dont look back and regret it, buy it ;o)
9 Mar, 2011
You need to buy it and this is why. The orchid is like a pair of beautiful shoes. You need a pair of shoes, the ones you want are too expensive, so you buy something that's OK but not quite right. They don't look right, they don't feel right, and then you wind up buying a second or even a third pair to console yourself for leaving the good shoes in the shop. By that time you've spent more money than you would have if you'd just bought the good shoes to begin with. So buy the orchid. It will haunt you if you don't. I know it's a silly analogy but hey, it works for me if I'm trying to justify a purchase!
9 Mar, 2011
Brian, how much do they go for in the UK???
10 Mar, 2011
Thanks San, that's what I keep telling myself. I'm going that way tomorrow....
10 Mar, 2011
Lauram, that is an analogy that would never work with my hubby. lol
Too bad it's not my birthday...
10 Mar, 2011
Thanks Hywel. ;o)
It's a big plant so it's kind of hard blending it in with the others...
10 Mar, 2011
If I saw that for sale I would never be able to pass it up.
10 Mar, 2011's called ballet bill, private english lessons bill, three day school trip bill, and then we move to the normal monthly bills and food shopping bills...
I'm still going back tomorrow and whatever will be will be.
10 Mar, 2011
Alex depending on size any thing from £15/£30 but you could pay a lot more in posh Garden Ctrs
10 Mar, 2011
Alex why you paying for english lessons,you could do that yourself, and buy your orchid with what you save. your English is not
10 Mar, 2011
The English lessons are for my daughter. If she decides to continue, in two years she will have a license to teach.
I've been sending here since 2nd grade. My oldest son as well but he didn't want to continue (he stopped two years ago).
10 Mar, 2011
Alex that sounds very worth while ,you say a licence ,is it a degree, that means she could teach in schools.that would be a good start for here.
10 Mar, 2011
Brian, yes she get her degree first and then she can apply for a license. She will be able to teach in schools or open up her own private foreign language tutorial..
I'm not holding my breath as she's starting to complain that it's getting really hard. I had a look at her books and some of the subjects are boring and technical...not really hard.
10 Mar, 2011
Oh Alex, I understand, but that is a really beautiful orchid. I have the same problem.....electric bill, phone bill, gas bill, the vets, food, car repairs....and now we are getting into the warmer weather so my tenant will be running her air conditioner non-stop after a winter of running the heat at full blast and walking around in shorts (while I either sweat or freeze downstairs, depending on the season, because she runs up the bills so high). Someone's heading for a rent increase real soon.
10 Mar, 2011
Hit her with the increase Lauram then you won't have to suffer. I've decided that if I don't buy it now I will buy it in a couple of months when I go back to work.
10 Mar, 2011
oh, and she borrowed my hose for some reason and then threw it on top of the Spigelia and the wood ferns. She needs an increase just for doing that.
10 Mar, 2011
One can never have enough orchids. lol! :>)
I'm posting a pics of my $3.00 white Cattleya orchid tonight.
17 Mar, 2011
Yeap, one can never have enough orchids....but this one is 30.00euros. I've decided it's mine...just need to get down to the shop soon.
17 Mar, 2011
Great! It seems like a fair price. Sometimes named hybrid Cymbidiums can be expensive here...around 20 - 50 dollars.
18 Mar, 2011
Oh good....that makes me feel better.
18 Mar, 2011
The common ones we usually can get for free from people we know here.
18 Mar, 2011
Well Good morning to you too. Make me feel good and then take it away. Have a good night sleep then??? ;o)
18 Mar, 2011
20 Mar, 2011
I went to the shop for my orchid and it was sold :o(
They are bringing more on Tuesday...hurray.
20 Mar, 2011
Go on, Go on do it :D:D
24 Mar, 2011
buy buy its a beuty BBFB :)))
25 Mar, 2011
Too late guys.... SOLD
25 Mar, 2011
If you like must buy it. I've played the ambivalence game in the past and have lost out.
25 Mar, 2011
I lost as well.....I went back again to see if there were any new ones in....none.
Oh well, when they bring some in I will buy it this time.
25 Mar, 2011
Not sure how common the burgundy-colored Cymbiums are there. Do you know if they're common?
In recent years here, it has become pretty common. Many years ago it used to be rare and very expensive.
25 Mar, 2011
They are not very common here Delonix. I've only seen them being sold in one shop so far and from what I've been reading at a normal price....around 35euros. I'm sure if I look aound I'll find them in other shops as well....but at what price?
26 Mar, 2011
I hope can find one for a reasonable price there!
I saw on this color at the San Diego Zoo yesterday (Mar. 26, 2011). It was on display...which they commonly do there with many plants. I'll post a pics today.
28 Mar, 2011
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Yes! Go for it
9 Mar, 2011