Lily beetle
By Pamd

10 Mar, 2011
1 like
I was digging up a clump of hellebores yeserday & this is what I found in the roots. See the red beetle.
Comments on this photo
I hope you squashed it, Pam, hate them with a passion!
10 Mar, 2011
See next pic motinot.
Certainly did Shirley.
10 Mar, 2011
I shall have to check the border where the Lilies are ... just in case they're back!
10 Mar, 2011
When you squish em, do you get red mush on your fingers? ;)
10 Mar, 2011
Fingers?? Bottom of my shoe, Karen! Transported there via a plant label or trowel ... lol!
10 Mar, 2011
When you squish em, do you get red mush on your shoe? lol!
10 Mar, 2011
LOL, Karen, never really bothered to look for that much detail! Seriously, they make a 'squeaking' sound when they're moved and I have no pity for them at all. Any bug that chews the life out of a Lily leaf or stem is not welcome here!
10 Mar, 2011
Oh no, I could not squish anything that squeaked!! I hope they never come up here!! :S
10 Mar, 2011
I'd like them to head further South ... preferably to the English Channel !
10 Mar, 2011
I've taken all my lillies out as they are harmful to cats, so fingers crossed i dont get any.
10 Mar, 2011
Oh dear, I'm going to have to find out more on this now. Megan chews the leaves of a grass in the border, forget the name right now, also likes the Asphodeline leaves! Wonder why ?
10 Mar, 2011
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Oh Pam...Lets hope its the only one you see...
10 Mar, 2011