Lily beetle
By Pamd

10 Mar, 2011
Another one :o((
Comments on this photo
I found this information from RHS....comprehensive info there in case it's of use to you, Pam. Perhaps you already know as much as you want to know about these pests!!!
Cheers. x
10 Mar, 2011
I have only ever seen pics of this creature...hope it stays that way!!.....beautiful colouring..
10 Mar, 2011
Thanks whistonglass.
Yes they are the most brilliant orange Motinot.
10 Mar, 2011
They're revolting little pests with the ability to turn over on their backs, thus disguising their shiny red upper body! Oh, and they squeak too honestly! You must destroy them if seen ... lol!
10 Mar, 2011
Gross, Gross, Gross! Like Motty, I've never seen one in real life. Bit early for them too....I bet it's been overwintering in the house or greenhouse, little b****r!
10 Mar, 2011
Actually they are pretty little things aren't they! lol ;)
10 Mar, 2011
I take it this is bad news....must google them and find out more. If they are garden pests I hope you are able to get rid quickly before the growing season is really underway. Good luck!
10 Mar, 2011