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Oenothera speciosa


By Lauram

Oenothera speciosa

The foliage is pretty, but the flower is a showstopper - it's a beautiful light pink. This is the best-spreading plant I've ever had.

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yes lovely coloured leaves :):) Can't wait for the flower picture too :)

18 Mar, 2011


Really like the leaves on this one, what colour are the flowers?

22 Mar, 2011


Pale pink - I have a photo on page 7 of my photos. Sometimes they plant this along the highways here (but not lately since there is no money for beautification projects!). A mass of it takes your breath away. I really hope it covers those thin rocky areas in my sun garden where nothing else will survive (think big barren patches).

22 Mar, 2011


I've just had a look at the photo, it's really a pretty flower, it resembles some of the hardy Geraniums. I have the yellow one in my garden and other than in photos I've never seen a pink one!

23 Mar, 2011


Thanks - by the way, I just got my "Lemon Queen" seeds and will plant them this weekend! The seller sent along another species as well. The packet says Lemon Queen is an annual, but I thought it was a perennial?

24 Mar, 2011


That's great getting an extra pkt of seeds, what a nice gesture sending them! Your right 'Lemon Queen' is a perennial! The one I have is starting to put out new shoots. I know the usual annuals wouldn't survive the temps we have here! There are some perennials, that are better treated as annuals and started again from seed or cuttings every year, that's usually due to their vigor and Helianthemum 'Lemon Queen' does grow quite large. Maybe that's why the pkt says annual due to the way they grow!

24 Mar, 2011

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