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By Yorkshire

21 Mar, 2011
Comments on this photo
Have you tried repotting it in a larger pot, as this looks as though it needs a bigger pot, as I have one of mine in a great big pot then it would be better when taking water too. Try a feed of iron and maganese.
21 Mar, 2011
Is that a camellia ?
It looks pale and chlorotic :-/
21 Mar, 2011
Yes Louise its a Camelia Yorkshire has awarded me doctor on call lol.
21 Mar, 2011
I'd get its roots in very acid soil asap and i'd add a tiny bit of overkill by giving it a light watering of sequestrene after that.
The most important thing is the ericaceous soil though, then it'll go to its normal dark bottle green colour.
21 Mar, 2011
thank you both very much, will buy a new bag of soil and the feed you mentioned.
21 Mar, 2011
Your welcome Val as Bjs said soil only lasts feeding not for long we have to feed I normally buy a feed for Rhododendrons, Azalias, Camelia does all and scatter around on top and water in, it s like a powder granual and slowly releases into the soil for all these plants to feed them I normally do it in spring. Looking at the buds on it seems not enough water Yorkshire, hence thats why I said change pot, is your pot also got drainage at the bottom if not it can go yellow/brown to over watering.
21 Mar, 2011
I don't water it to often, and its in a real big pot, we are going to B&Q to get the feed and new soil, thank you so much for your help
21 Mar, 2011
Your welcome Val hope it does the trick for you I sent you a link on pm, says if in pots make sure the root is nt blocking the holes for drainage up less it will rot the root and desease it too
21 Mar, 2011
Can I add, please, that watering with rainwater, as opposed to tapwater, will help it along, too. Now, even here, it never actually rains buckets, but I have 2 or 3 standing around to catch the rain. Rainwater is, of course, much more acidic than tapwater, and really does compliment the ericaceous compost needed for most "orientals". I always water my dwarf rhodos, azaleas, blueberries with rain water. :-))
31 Mar, 2011
Thank you David I also have one going yellow leaved so I shall water with rain water from now on, is it best to plant just in ericaceous or mixture of earth, as I normally put some in the bottom and around the sides if planted in the garden.
31 Mar, 2011
HI David, thanks for your advice, we only use rain water as we have a large water but, try not to use tap water unless its really necessary, we have fed it twice since last week as per instructions, but its still yellow,
1 Apr, 2011
It'll take some time for it to revert back to dark green Yorkshire.
For it to have got so discoloured it would have to have been lacking its nutrients for some time and it'll take that time to reabsorb them again.
I'd think it'll take a couple of months to revert back, but it will do so !
1 Apr, 2011
thanks Louise, I hope it does,
1 Apr, 2011
Val I bought some feed for them the other day it was in a yellow bottle and its called Miricle grow,specially for Rhododendrons, Camelias , Azaleas, in a liquid form as Bjs said liquid hits the roots quicker, you have to apply it once a fornight.
1 Apr, 2011
I bought the Ericaceous,plant food Concentrate, says for Rhododendrums, Azaleas, heathers, and all acid loving plants, mix it with water and water in, I have miracle grow in the cupboard also,
1 Apr, 2011
I have two now that has gone like yours they are by a windy passage way so I shall see if they recover if not they will have to be moved now I ve had them fed will wait and see, but Paul I think said it could be watering they need and not with tap water according to David.
1 Apr, 2011
we only use rain water 6d, sorry you have 2 thats gone like mine,
2 Apr, 2011
I know some leaves have gone like this on the one in my pot they go brown and die off so I put it down to old foliage, its how many go like it, will see not they have had a feed if they perk up at all.
2 Apr, 2011
louise said to give them at least 2 months before the leafs go green again, not going to get flowers on mine this year,
2 Apr, 2011
You just might, Yorkshire.
I passed a couple of plants just like this the other day and they actually had flowers on !
So if there are buds forming you might get flowers yet !
2 Apr, 2011
the buds are there but so small Louise
2 Apr, 2011
Just let it 'do its thing' and sit back and wait, at least its alive and after this winter that's saying something !
2 Apr, 2011
thanks for your advice Louise, its much appreciated
2 Apr, 2011
2 Apr, 2011
Don't forget Val you are up north so it takes longer for things to flower, like me in the Midlands with the south earlier than me.
2 Apr, 2011
yer your right 6d
3 Apr, 2011
3 Apr, 2011
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youve got some buds coming
21 Mar, 2011