The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Anenome Blanda


By Lily2

Anenome Blanda

Comments on this photo


beautiful photo ~ bet this looks good as a large picture.

25 Mar, 2011


I agree ... this a lovely photo, Lily. : o ))

25 Mar, 2011


got some this week, love them :o)

25 Mar, 2011


Ooooh I want one of these....gorgeous color.

26 Mar, 2011


my plant like this doesnt have as many flowers ~ i put it in last year ~ how long have you had this one?

26 Mar, 2011


What alovely colour so pretty.

26 Mar, 2011


Hi Sticki, yes I took lots of pics of these and viewed them via the largeTV screen and this one especially looked really good. This is a shallow pot with about 12 of the little corms in. I leave them in there and they come up every year, this is the third year I think.
Thanks Shirley and I hope the sun stays out Sandra as they close up when it doesn't :o(
I love the colour too Alex and Sixpence, it goes well with all the yellow Spring flowers.

26 Mar, 2011


Brilliant blue lily, just beautiful, you got a special camera then? Mine never come out like this or is it the special photographer? lol

26 Mar, 2011


Everything's special round here Val. lol
Believe it or not, they really are that colour! :o)

26 Mar, 2011


I'll take your word for it o special one ! ;0))

26 Mar, 2011


You should know by now that I never fib Val!

26 Mar, 2011



27 Mar, 2011


they look perfect, mine is in the flower bed but i really like that concentrated group of them.
do you put your photos on a memory stick and see them through the tv?

27 Mar, 2011


Thanks Holly, I'm glad you liked it.
No nothing as clever as that Sticki, I wouldn't know where to start with that. Our new TV has a slot for the SD card from the camera so I can see them on large screen before I put them on the computer. It helps me decide which few to keep and how many dozens to delete!

27 Mar, 2011


aha! very clever ~ our tv will only take the memory stick so it will take a bit longer to sort out but i think its great to be able to see the pictures in larger size

27 Mar, 2011


I only discovered the 'Slideshow' feature on the computer screen a little while ago ... a 'tecchie' is something I'll never be ... lol!

27 Mar, 2011


i spend too long on my computer ST ~ your garden is no doubt in better shape than mine ~ cos i spend more time on here i think!!!

27 Mar, 2011


I do love to be in the garden 'grubbing around' as my OH calls it! I look on GoY most days though as there's always something new to read or view. : o )

27 Mar, 2011


definitely good to do both ~ gardening and GoY

27 Mar, 2011


love this flower soo beautiful blue!!

19 Feb, 2012


nice to see this popping up again ~ thanks junna and thanks lily!

19 Feb, 2012


I love it too Junna and yes Sticki it is good to get a reminder of what's just around the corner for us in Spring. Ooooh I can hardly wait! :o))

19 Feb, 2012

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