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Erythronium "Kondo"


By Meanie

Erythronium "Kondo" (Erythronium grandiflorum (Dog's-tooth violet))

Fully opened from below.

Comments on this photo


A definite beauty! Just been outside to have a look at mine, I am very excited, they are just about opening :))))

4 Apr, 2011


It's great when a new plant lives up to its' expectations!

4 Apr, 2011


its lovely.

4 Apr, 2011


It is rather isn't it!!

4 Apr, 2011


im very glad you put these photos on here ~ i would never have seen them otherwise. thank you

4 Apr, 2011


I've just noticed that there are greenfly on it.....

4 Apr, 2011


oh yes ~ didnt spot them before you said ~ its like those 'where's wally?' books!!
someone i know sent me a lovely macro photo the other day of greenfly on a chive stem ~ they look quite friendly when they are bigger!!!!

4 Apr, 2011


Even better when a ladybird is about!!!

4 Apr, 2011


ah yes! a very useful beetle!!!

4 Apr, 2011


It's lovely ... something has been nibbling the leaves off mine i'm not sure if it's Rabbits or Muntjacs , Grrr

5 Apr, 2011


pigeons nibbled mine down to ground level so i put a cloche on top till they were taller ~ they are fine now but not as good looking as this.

5 Apr, 2011


It could have been pigeons Sticki we have loads of them , in fact I would rather know it was them because once the rabbits and munjacs find a way through they will eat everything we have wire netting all the way round the garden , actually I did put a cloche over yesterday to save it ...

5 Apr, 2011


hope it grows now amy ~ the pigeons didnt move the cloche so hope it works for you

5 Apr, 2011

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This photo is of "Erythronium "Kondo"" in Meanie's garden

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