Viburnum 'Juddii'
By Cinderella

5 Apr, 2011
Seen at GC. Beautiful scent, one for another day
Comments on this photo
It was gorgeous, it was £42. Hence I didnt buy on this occasion, will look for a smaller one somewhere. I was really tempted though. A struggle to leave it !!!
5 Apr, 2011
Thank you, I know I would have struggled too. If I find it cheaper somewhere, I shall let you know. :)))
5 Apr, 2011
Thanks Michaella
5 Apr, 2011
Checkout Ebay, I have found a Viburnum I have been wanting for a long time, name is 'Viburnum 'Plicatum' Lanarth' I am definitely going to buy it and the 'Sargentii' one too, but they do not have the 'Juddii' :(((
5 Apr, 2011
Just seen it online from 'Best4Plants' at £9.99 Shipped Size at 30/40cm, not bad size. I must read up on them.
5 Apr, 2011
Thanks Michaella, I have to get off of here now and do some other work,but will look it up later.
5 Apr, 2011
That's pretty Cinders ... I hope you find one at a good price...
5 Apr, 2011
Thanks Terra. I really would like one. The scent was just gorgeous
5 Apr, 2011
I don't blame you, what a beautiful plant. I love Viburnums and the scented ones are such a blessing!
5 Apr, 2011
That one was so appealing, but I have found a smaller one on Best4Plants for £9.99, so who knows, I might be tempted on that one.
5 Apr, 2011
Well if it's really 30cm tall it will be worth that. This one was definitely overpriced though wasn't it. I hope you get one soon. I'm so fed up because the expensive plants I bought last year have all kicked the bucket! My standard holly, twisted bay and Ceanothus, all over £30 each are all looking very dead. :((
5 Apr, 2011
very gorgeous :):)
5 Apr, 2011
Oh Karen, I'm so sorry to hear that. What bad luck.
If I can rearrange things to make room for the Viburnum I will probably get that one.
5 Apr, 2011
Thank you Paul
5 Apr, 2011
6 Apr, 2011
They are in our local GC for £20. But on the internet they are three for £27. plus postage I expect, so might be tempted by that and give the other two as presents, as I know my sister would like one.
7 Apr, 2011
Such a beauty delicate too.
7 Apr, 2011
Thanks girls
7 Apr, 2011
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WOW...I like, must buy :)))) Looks pricey, was it? Ta!
5 Apr, 2011