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Clematis 'White Abundance'

Clematis 'White Abundance' (clematis cartmanii)

Evergreen climber to 2m. Dark green finely cut foliage. Flowers March -April. Flowers-flat,open 4-5cm, white with central boss of pink-tipped stamens. Suitable for garden trellis, terrace or balcony in sun or half shade.

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Fantastic Homebird - that will really look superb!!!

6 Apr, 2011


very nice indeed - I loce Clematis though - we have avalanche type and pixie - and another unknown one on fence

6 Apr, 2011


Thanks homebird :):) It is for Mum and Dad's garden and they picked it up - £40 it was but very nice so worth it

6 Apr, 2011


it was set on trellis - seems to automatically add an extra 10 - like baskets - 3 flowers separate could cost 10 - they put them in basket and charge up to 30

6 Apr, 2011


Lovely clematis .. added to GoYpedia Climbing Plants :o)

7 Apr, 2011


Homebird, have you seen my one called 'Camanii Joe' it looks exactly the same as your one here, even down to the foliage and amount of buds. I had photos of it all in bloom last year, and its really grown since then and its loadd again this year and the 1st flower has just opened. I'll look to see if I can find what page they are on.

13 Apr, 2011

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This photo is of species clematis cartmanii.

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