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Wax Leaf Privet (Ligustrum)

Wax Leaf Privet (Ligustrum) (Ligustrum)

I am going to train it to a ball shape

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I need your help guys,
should I replant it in a bigger pot and tie it to a stake this year? Or should I wait and let it grow? Thanks for your input!

10 Apr, 2011


If it were me, I'd repot it and feed it. The pot looks quite small and restricting. Not stake it though, just give it a trim to begin your shaping, hopefully that will provoke it into growing a bit more lower down to give you a ball shape.

11 Apr, 2011


Thanks Karen! When will be a good time to stake it? I am concerned that the tree trunk is going to be crooked if I don't stake it. Thanks a lot!!!

12 Apr, 2011


I would first remove the thinner of the two trunks coming out of the soil, since it is likely to die later. Next, repot it into a larger pot, straightening it up a little in the process, along with a dose of timed release fertilizer--right now, it looks like "Starvin' Arvin"! I would also stake the tallest and straightest stem right away, with a stake as tall as you want the ball to be. since the older it gets, the harder it will be to straighten up. Tip pinch all of the twigs, except the staked one, to divert energy into the future trunk. Once you have a good start on the ball, the lower branches can be removed entirely--until then, they will speed the growth, and thicken the trunk.

12 Apr, 2011


Yes, much better advice than mine from someone who knows better! I did wonder about that second 'trunk' but I assumed you were going to have a ball, not a ball on a lollipop?

12 Apr, 2011


Thank You guys very much for the excellent advice! You are great!!!

12 Apr, 2011

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