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Big Trellis ready for take off

Big Trellis ready for take off

I'll be taking pics of this again this year to show how the coverage spreads. have a few more things on here, particularly a couple of clems to give it some more flowers.
From the left, a couple of pots of passion flowers fed up the back, thornless blackberry which should be nice n bushy, a mystery clemetis I had left for dead but had started shooting so why not give it a chance, a spare chinese virginia creeper (cus i like the leaves), a cut back choco vine, a new winter jasmin to give a bit more colour in winter, a fig I bought cheap so see how it goes, a kiwi which flowered last yera but fruit just didnt grow big, a normal virg creeper (big leaves) and another clem montana elizabeth (really liked the leaves of this when i bouight it for £3.50 at the end of last year and finally an old passion flower. My constance elliot passion that I obsesively photod last year (for a bet) sadly died so I cant have the same bet. Oh well should be enough stuff on it this year to try and pull it off the wall ; )

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should look spectacular!

16 Apr, 2011


That will be a riot of colour Steve.

19 Apr, 2011

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This photo is of "Big Trellis 2011" in Stevietheterrible's garden

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