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Plumeria 'Samoan Fluff' - Samoan Fluff Plumeria Flower Spike

Plumeria 'Samoan Fluff' - Samoan Fluff Plumeria Flower Spike (Plumeria 'Samoan Fluff' - Samoan Fluff Plumeria)

My Samoan Fluff Plumeria is developing buds also. Generally this is the first variety of Plumeria to start to bloom. This is one of several trees I have. Photo taken April 14, 2011.

Comments on this photo


Wow that looks like claws off some sea creature its wonderful.

15 Apr, 2011


Whey hey! That does look freaky (in a good kinda way)!

15 Apr, 2011


Andy...Thanks so much for posting this Now I know what to look for....

15 Apr, 2011



It could be a triffid...LOL

16 Apr, 2011


It's funny everyone thinks this is looks kinda of strange. I guess when you live where these trees are commonly's just normal. :>)

16 Apr, 2011

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Pictures by Delonix1
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This photo is of species Plumeria 'Samoan Fluff' - Samoan Fluff Plumeria.

See who else has plants in genus Plumeria.

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