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Echium candicans

Echium candicans (Echium candicans)

Just starting to flower in greenhouse, hope to move it outside soon to make some room.

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So, is this a dwarf variety, and is it a biennial or perennial?

18 Apr, 2011


Wow!!!...fantastic Plantoholic....

18 Apr, 2011


Mine is 4 years old, its about 3' high its getting a bit leggy and woody so I have just planted 2 replacments. On tresco ive seen them up to around 6' they also replace them every few years because they become tired and untidy. It will take a light frost but I over winter mine in a cool greenhouse and put outside as early as poss in spring.

18 Apr, 2011


I'm looking forward to the delights of tour greenhouses this summer!
The four seeds that I "abused" have all germinated.

19 Apr, 2011



19 Apr, 2011


The large Echiums are majestic, aren't they? One of my dream plants to grow,my space is just to small unfortunately.

8 May, 2011

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This photo is of species Echium candicans.

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