canada green grass update
By Surreylad

19 Apr, 2011
this is the same patch of grass from earlier where i seeded and already i have cut it once and need to cut it again, excellent grass but me thinks maybe a mistake as i'm going to be mowing it a lot :-(
Comments on this photo
Lol i think i'll keep it as it is really nice thick soft grass now, i can put up with keep cutting it till my knees go. :-)
19 Apr, 2011
There is stuff you can buy to reduce the growth of hedges wonder if it would work on grass its the sap off trees, have you ever notice if a tree over laps a garden with a hedge the part which over laps does nt grow as much. Could you not strim it.
19 Apr, 2011
i never noticed that sixpence, i'll get my eldest to mow it for pocket money that'll keep her quite :-)
20 Apr, 2011
Lol Surreylad it will teach her she has to work for money and a good thing to start, perhaps she will enjoy gardening and join you in planting.
20 Apr, 2011
she loves gardening, she takes after me which is nice, i can't plant anything without help which i like, she even likes to pick up woodlice and centipedes....not spiders though :-))
20 Apr, 2011
Lol she ll be taking you over Surreylad haha centipedes don't they bite her, when my youngest was young if I dug the garden she would shout STOP and she would pick a worm up incase I chopped it with the spade lol she now detests gardening she said I trumurtise her if I as her to put a little plant in. Hope your daughter keeps it up.
20 Apr, 2011
lol traumatised her, my eldest sounds just like her, if i dig they hover around and move the worms, she did get nipped by a centipede once but she's ok she said it must have been scared... she did say she wanted to be a vet we'll see..
20 Apr, 2011
Awe thats lovely she wants to be a vet a lot of exams needed for that and a lot of training more than a doctor too. She is proberbly right about the centipede being frightened if a giant picked me up I think I would bite too lol.
20 Apr, 2011
if a giant picked me up i think i would do more than bite Lol ... yes i have explained to her about the exams and training, but she seems determined which is good.
20 Apr, 2011
I wish her luck then hope she succeeds
21 Apr, 2011
thanks sixpence :-)
21 Apr, 2011
:o)) Your welcome Surreylad.
21 Apr, 2011
It looks great and lovely colour too, oh dear could nt you kill it then replant another type or will you keep it.
19 Apr, 2011