Acer platanoides 'Drummondii' with Red Acer in the background
By Dawnsaunt

25 Apr, 2011
Comments on this photo
Thanks Michaella, Spring has sprung early for us which makes a refreshing change.
25 Apr, 2011
Ditto Dawn it is lovely , Have you just mown the lawn ? :o))
25 Apr, 2011
Dawn prefer your Acer, Do you live in a stately home at the end of that drive,Like the gate house.!!
Would i have to tip my cap to you when i arrived at the door, thats some drive.
25 Apr, 2011
What a lovely entrance, Dawn, the trees are beautiful.
25 Apr, 2011
Lovely shot Dawn, makes a very attractive scene.
25 Apr, 2011
Lol you lot.
Amy, the one thing I dont do is mow - that's John's job, he whizzes about on that mower taking bluebells and all, unfortunately, lol.
Bjs, glad you like the Acers, they do get a bit of green coming through occasionally but we soon snip out.
Bjs/Gee: This is the back of the house, the drive is the entrance from the house to top garage and other gardens.
Sounds so grand but it actually isnt.
Thanks Bob :-)
25 Apr, 2011
its lovely Dawn and i think its Grand, love it all :o)
25 Apr, 2011
Awww you are too kind. It really isnt! So much work to do and not enough time. Been working until 8pm over the last few days to catch up, love it but never ending.
25 Apr, 2011
you must be so tired when you finish each day Dawn, has john cooked tonight :o)
25 Apr, 2011
John, cook! Lol. That only happens very very occasionally Sandra. Special occasions mostly, ha ha. He does work hard at work though and I like to do all the gardening myself except for the heavy stuff and major projects. He has put another greenhouse up for me recently and cleaned it and cleaned the other, lol. Oh, and given the pool and good clean after Winter, bless. I got the dinner on the go whilst I was barrowing soil around to fill uneven paths ready for seeding. So much here to do, we both need to retire but with a lottery win at the same time.
25 Apr, 2011
he`s a bit like my baz not a gardener but will help with heavy things at a push lol, honestly Dawn i admire you on keeping a lovely garden and so much of it, with work and the house, i really dont think i could do it all myself.
a lottery win would be wonderfull here to Dawn, poor baz has been working a 7 day week for months now, never gets any easier does it.
25 Apr, 2011
No it doesnt get easier Sandra. I've had a rotten Easter to be honest, that's one reason why I've been carrying on working into the evening. John has been on 12 hours night shifts from Thursday til Sunday 6pm til 6am and Charlotte has been out partying most evenings which is fine as its been her birthday but i've been on my own alot.
I struggle to keep on top of things, it will never be perfect here.
25 Apr, 2011
so sorry you havent had the best easter Dawn but your not alone i was the same, baz working and joe either working or out but still nice having him home, goes back to wales friday :o( also iv had tummy bug and sickness to round it off and still very swollen tum, fed up but what can i do, iv been in the garden and pottered today just to keep sane hahah
25 Apr, 2011
Oh San, sorry you're not enjoying the best of health. It must be so draining, I couldnt do what I do if I wasnt well. I feel for you friend.
25 Apr, 2011
thanx Dawn im hoping it will be alot better tomorrow, trouble is it sets my IBS off, anything with my tum,i just try to keep cheerfull otherwise i would crack up lol, nice to come on here and chat with good friends like yourself :o))
25 Apr, 2011
Hope your ok today Sandra
26 Apr, 2011
hi Dawn back today lol and alot better thankyou, 4 days in all with IBS, hate it, i looked 9 months gone haha but back to normal now :o))
27 Apr, 2011
Thats good news x
27 Apr, 2011
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This is lovely :)))
25 Apr, 2011