Fern Fronds
By Mushybanna

27 Apr, 2011
Comments on this photo
They are look good now i'll post a pic later ,considering its been so dry. We have only had a couple of light showers since Feb and the ground is very hard more like it is in August ..But i,m not complaining to have so much sunshine is wonderful :o)))))
21 May, 2011
I guess we're receiving your rain. I was in the San Francisco Bay Area for my brother's wedding. It rained 4 days out of the 8 days I was there. It's pretty unusual to have rain even in the S.F. Bay Area at this time of year. It rained one or two days in San Diego and that's extremely unusual for this time of year. The strange continues on...
21 May, 2011
I hate to say this but if we've got your dry sunny weather and you have our rain then were not going to be in a rush to swap back ...LOL...:o)))
22 May, 2011
Even though we had some unusual rains this year. I still have to water almost everyday...soon it will be everyday or the plants will die.
22 May, 2011
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9 Sep, 2008
Your ferns are coming back very well, now.
21 May, 2011