Lupin - Covered in Frost
By Dawnsaunt
- 4 May, 2011
Disaster this morning, another ground frost :-(
Comments on this photo
Oh dear that is a shame.....
4 May, 2011
That's a lovely pink lupin but brrrrr.....oh no, I don't want to see any of that white stuff for at least another 7 months!! None here so far thank goodness!
4 May, 2011
Oh my ! we didn't get that thank goodness ........
5 May, 2011
The frosts didnt do too much damage, the lupins were fine, the gunneras now have brown leaves, the new growth on the hollies and beech hedging is even burnt.
7 May, 2011
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oh no hope your plants didnt suffer to much.......
4 May, 2011