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Pritchardia hillebrandii - Loulou Palm

Pritchardia hillebrandii - Loulou Palm (Pritchardia hillebrandii - Loulou Palm)

This young Loulou palm is doing well in the hot, intense heat in North Park, San Diego, CA. Photo taken May 3, 2011.

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It's fantastic that a city of concrete has soooo many plants!!!

5 May, 2011


We're really not a city of concrete (except for downtown)...we have lot of parks, medians and sidewalk plantings of trees.

Most the previous pics taken in North Park are at an apartment complex.

5 May, 2011


What a beauty

5 May, 2011


Thanks! Yes, Pritchardia and Licuala species are some of the most beautiful fan-palms in the world.

5 May, 2011


I can see why too.

6 May, 2011



6 May, 2011

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