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making waves

making waves

there are a lot of ducks who live on or near the canal but so far i have only found one group of new ducklings. this little one cant be very old but he is already making his mark! you should see them move when they want to get somewhere ~ they almost run across the top of the water!

Comments on this photo


awwww so sweet - very nice :):):):)

6 May, 2011



6 May, 2011


So sweet love this photo

6 May, 2011


Awww so cute!

10 May, 2011


What a sweet little duckie!

11 May, 2011


considering the rate of predation on these sweet little balls of's a miracle they survive to adulthood. I understand why you'd be able to stand and watch all day. I thought I might have a pair of mallards on my swampy patch but they didn't stay...too bad.

2 Jun, 2011


oh, what a shame. maybe next year??
i havent seen any of these for a bit so im not sure what has happened to them

2 Jun, 2011


Yes, with any luck I'll have the area near the road made into a pond for ducks by next spring. Hope they are growing up and just down the canal a ways...

3 Jun, 2011


will the ducks be able to get onto the road?

4 Jun, 2011's about 30 ft. from the road...they can walk down the road with the turkeys.

4 Jun, 2011


gobble, gobble, quack, quack!!

4 Jun, 2011


Very cute sticki.

14 Jul, 2011


Sad that there were so few this year.

14 Jul, 2011


How adorable. Great pic!

31 Jul, 2011


they've all grown up now pip ~ or disappeared :-(

31 Jul, 2011

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