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Plumeria 'Charlotte Ebert' - Charlotte Ebert Plumeria - San Diego, CA

Plumeria 'Charlotte Ebert' - Charlotte Ebert Plumeria - San Diego, CA (Plumeria 'Charlotte Ebert' - Charlotte Ebert Plumeria)

I'm almost positive this plumeria is variety Charlotte Ebert. This is a very nice pink plumeria specimen. Photo taken Sept. 3, 2008 in Talmage District, San Diego, CA.

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Stunning lots of flowers too

6 May, 2011



Yes, this is such a beauty! I drive by this tree a lot.

It's a pretty good size tree, also. I think it's about 14ft/4.3m tall and maybe close to 20ft/6.1m wide.

6 May, 2011


You are so lucky Andy its a size then

6 May, 2011



6 May, 2011



I knew you would love it! :>)

7 May, 2011



Yes, it's a pretty large tree.

7 May, 2011


You are so lucky to drive by that tree a lot of times, oh how I wish I could drive by that tree at least just 1 time to see how pretty it's with my own eye.
BTW what is the name of the street where this tree is at? If you don't mind I'm asking (please, thank you) because I really want to come to see it with my own eye, when ever I have a chance to go to San Diego.

27 Jun, 2012



There's many Plumeria trees here in San Diego. This tree is located on Monroe Ave by Max Drive.

28 Jun, 2012


Thank you so much, you are so lucky to live in San Deigo especially near those huge plumeria tree, not like in San Jose where there is a hard place to find even a small plumeria tree any where around.
I'll follow your blog & hopefully getting to know more places in San Diego that have huge plumeria like this tree, so when I have a chance I'm sure will come to take a look at them with my own eye.
Thank you again Delonix1.

Happy 4th of July to you Delonix.

4 Jul, 2012



Happy 4th of July to you, also! :>)

You're welcome! San Jose has a really good warm climate for growing Plumeria trees...they just need to be put in a covered patio during winter (to keep them dry and frost-free). I used to live in San Jose many years ago.

4 Jul, 2012


Yes it's Delonix, San Jose does have a really good warm climate for growing Plumeria, but it so hardly for me to find any Plumeria grower in San Jose, I wonder why no one does? Not like in San Diego such a wonderful place that got surrounded by huge Plumeria tree.
Were you also grow Plumeria when you are living in San Jose, or you just starting to grow Plumeria when you move to San Diego? Did you or any Plumeria grower in San Diego have to cover your/their Plumeria tree during the winter?

5 Jul, 2012


When I lived in Mission San Jose, Fremont I used to grow many species of Plumeria. They grow very well outdoor because it was frost-free. I used to keep them under the underhang of house to prevent them from getting too wet. It's the wet soil which kills them in the San Francisco Bay Area, usually not the cold. If you have a dry, frost-free area, plumerias can grow in the ground in the Bay Area. I've done it before.

I would think Plumerias are readily available at Home Depot, Lowes. I purchased many in the Bay Area, when I lived there. The hardiest varieties to grow in the Bay Area are: Rainbow, Samoan Fluff, Celadine. I can't remember the others right now.

6 Jul, 2012


I haven't been to Lowes yet but I did went to Home Depot, & bought 1 tiny tree since they don't carry big tree to try to grow it. This is my first time trying to grow Plumeria (since I never knew that they do sell Plumeria in San Jose) I did a lot of research on how to taking care of it, before I bought it & hoping that I'm doing the right things to taking of it, because it will be so sad to see what I interesting in is failed on me.

6 Jul, 2012


The biggest issue with plumeria is good drainage. They need to be kept on the dry side. In winter, it's imperative to keep it dry, in fact, they don't need any water at all during their dormancy in winter.

6 Jul, 2012


Thank you Delonix1! I have learn a lot from you about Plumeria through your posts & comments.

7 Jul, 2012


You're very welcome!

7 Jul, 2012


Gorgeous such a pretty pink.

27 May, 2017


There's hundreds of pink varieties of plumeria.

28 May, 2017


I bet there are some wonderful shades of pink to

28 May, 2017


Here's a really nice pink plumeria tree flowering.

29 May, 2017


Thank you Andy its a gorgeous colour.

29 May, 2017


You're welcome. This pink variety is common.

1 Jun, 2017


They might be common there but no here , I do love your red one.

1 Jun, 2017


Thanks! I've had my red one for 16 years. I cut it back a bit last year. It was becoming a monster! It had a spread of 24 ft.

3 Jun, 2017


16 years is a long time 24ft wow I think I would have it cut back as well not to loose it in drought .

3 Jun, 2017


It's very drought tolerant; however, this last drought really tried it! I usually put the hose (hose extension) from the washing machine to the plants in the back yard. It has helped a lot. It's amazing how much water is wasted from the washing machine.

4 Jun, 2017


Thats a great idea using the water from your washing machine I am suprised thed detergents dont kill your plants in the water though I know washing up water is good for watering plants .

4 Jun, 2017


The water from the washer doesn't hurt the plants, as long as it doesn't have bleach in it.

5 Jun, 2017


Ahrr I see that is interesting.

6 Jun, 2017


Sometimes the water with soap is better than the water from the pipe.

7 Jun, 2017


Yes it softens the water

7 Jun, 2017

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