The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Carnivorous Plants


By Meanie

Carnivorous Plants

Taken at Oxfords botanic gardens today.
The low growing, red coloured funnel shaped ones are Heliamphora nutans. Also in there is Sarracenia alata and S.rubra.

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I have one of these, it dosn't look to healthy after the winter,it's still alive so there,s hope for it !

9 May, 2011


They spoil them at the botanic gardens Amy - not a facility that we have sadly.

9 May, 2011


wouldn't it be a good idea if they started a B & B for over wintering plants, ideal conditions all mod cons. good plant food :o)

9 May, 2011


I have thought a similar thing Amy......

9 May, 2011


a nice display there

9 May, 2011


It's a fascinating little room....

9 May, 2011

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This photo was taken at The University of Oxford Botanic Garden.

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