oriental poppy - Royal Wedding
By Pam24
- 20 May, 2011
I grew these from seed last year and they are producing the most wonderful flowers!
Comments on this photo
I thought I might collect some of the seed from these and see if they come true or if I get something completely different!! What do you think?
20 May, 2011
I grew these amazing plants from seed too. Got everything from bright red, orange, hot pink and even a sort of lilac coloured one. Your white one is gorgeous.
20 May, 2011
This is lovely Pam. Mine are salmon pink, I've grown their seed and waiting to se if they come true, should be out any day soon. I'll try and remember to update you.
20 May, 2011
Don't know if they'll come true Pam, I was sent some collected from a friends garden mixed colours pinks, reds, lilacs etc and every ones flowered bright orange, lovely colour but was hoping for a few different colours, will look out for your pictures Dawn if yours come true may give some of mine a go.
21 May, 2011
Should be out anytime, I will let you know
21 May, 2011
Really lovely Pam ! I'm still waiting for mine ......
22 May, 2011
Well, the good news is, my flowers opened today and they are true colour (coral reef)
However, my Mum says the plants I gave her from the same batch have flowered and they are a deeper pink/red.
22 May, 2011
Thanks for your comments everyone. I do love these big poppies although the wind is battering them at the moment!
23 May, 2011
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Beautiful, I have one similar 'Checkers' not very good flowers this year though not enough rain,too big a garden to water everything, I grew mine from seed too, I had one red one appear very pretty every year I keep thinking I'll move it then forget which one it is,lol.
20 May, 2011