Question for BJS: Is This My Primula florindae?
By Dawnsaunt
- 23 May, 2011
Dont want to get it wrong again Brian. Would you say this is P florindae?
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Thanks Carol. I've grown lots of different Primula and not familiar with which vatiety is which. Thought my Cowslips were P florindae, oh dear.
23 May, 2011
Golly the leaves look huge Dawn ,I thought it was a dock leaf :o))
23 May, 2011
Grew them for around the pond initially but dotted them around now. If these are P florindae they should be stunning, can grow to 3 feet high, I'll save you some seed :-) Your candleabra ones have been fantastic. I've had different primulas flowering for what seems like weeks now and these are just in bud.
24 May, 2011
Dawn, i missed this one Monday ,yes the leaves look right broadly heart shaped, large umbel's of yellow flowers with individual stems up to twice the length of the flowers.Seed of this stays viable for up to six years, I mention this as in the past i have twice had a group of them totally wiped out by Vine weevil and if like mine they are near water Provado is not an option for destroying the weevil making the seed a good banker.
26 May, 2011
Hi Brian, glad you found the picture. Thanks for your advice. Sorry yours got vine weevil, I will certainly be collecting seed as most of mine are near the pond.
27 May, 2011
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What ever it is it looks healthy Dawn.
23 May, 2011