Mumy never mind them plants............
By Misscupcake

27 May, 2011
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Meet Mr Otis!
Comments on this photo
Haha Jamie sounds brilliant send him here for a holiday we would have some fun :0)
Otis is 3 on October 6th. How mad............. the maddest I have ever met and he's our 6th one! He's was running down the canal the other day trying to get the ducks to play with him (he wont go in deep water) and some of the bank gave way and he fell in, well part of him only his bum was stuck in the air. Luckily his face was above water or he could've flipping drowned! I'll take some more pics today. He's currently been sent to Coventry for licking the dishwasher :0)
28 May, 2011
Pictures by misscupcake
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Gardening with friends since
22 Oct, 2008
I know that look well,Waiting for a full picture of Mr Otis. How old and how mad.
Yesterday jamie dropped his ball down a rabbit hole and nearly sheared his ears off getting it out.
28 May, 2011