I wish I could really grow Roses like this!
By Misscupcake
- 28 May, 2011
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Comments on this photo
Awww...roses are quite easy to grow Cupcake :) Just stick them in, keep them watered and give them some rose food (in a packet from B&Q and such places...) twice a year, then prune them back in late winter/early spring. Soon you'll have roses just as beautiful as those in your pic :)
2 Jun, 2011
I have managed to sucessfully grow some lovely patio roses but i didn't think about Rose food..........thanks for the tip Puddleduck!
However the roses in the picture (don't think you can see in the pic very well) are special glitter roses, maybe if I buy enough garden faeries I might get my magical roses lol ;0)
3 Jun, 2011
cupcake i am sure the faries will help ..............
3 Jun, 2011
3 Jun, 2011
Ooops...I missed the glitter (couldn't find my specs, lol). Of course the fairies will help....they always do;)
3 Jun, 2011
Well I just bought a new Queen Faerie so I'm expecting glitter roses anytime now ;0)
3 Jun, 2011
Oooohhhh can we see a pic of the new Queen Faerie.....? Please:)
3 Jun, 2011
Haha ok I'll take some tomorrow. If I can still walk after carrying her! :0)
3 Jun, 2011
omg how big is it lol
9 Jun, 2011
Haha only about 2-3ft but really really heavy, I ha e posted some pics :0)
11 Jun, 2011
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and why carnt you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;0p
2 Jun, 2011