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why do my buzzy lizzes look like they are sort of shrivelling..have I put too many in the basket? and is there anything I can do now to perk them up a bit? thanks :)

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All is not lost you can save them. But lets work out - is it too much sun and or too little water. I think they look as if they need more compost in the centre of the basket and with that many a weekly feed, give them part shade and keep well watered. I would also pinch out some of the flowers on each to help them bush up. Good luck.

29 May, 2011


Thankyou :)

29 May, 2011


Your welcome lets us see the results.

29 May, 2011


And if you're wondering "what" weekly feed, Miracle Grow is very reliable. Good luck.

31 May, 2011


thanks everyone they are actually looking better already! fingers crossed :)

31 May, 2011


Thats good Kate.

31 May, 2011

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