Wild yellow iris

29 May, 2011
We have a very nice big crowd of these falg irises over by the pond
Comments on this photo
Ah ha! the native Yellow flag! Doing your bit for nature here Stevie..bees and hover flies love this, got a lovely sweet smell and increases well. I dont have a pond but if i did this would be one I would have.
4 Jun, 2011
We have a lovely spot by the pond with loads really doing well. Also they have seeded extra clumps further down the little brook.
Thye got mullered by the goats last year so I lifted a couple of the more knackered ones and potted them.
I just love the very long green fonds outside my window.
Will put a shot of the main family.
4 Jun, 2011
Pictures by stevietheterrible
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Featured on: irises
This photo is of "Wildlife around my stuff 2011" in Stevietheterrible's garden
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lovely photo:)
29 May, 2011