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Rhamnus Argenteovariegata

Rhamnus Argenteovariegata (Rhamnus alaternus 'Argenteovariegata')

A new shrub to cover my fence. Will eventually make up to 5m. A relative of the buckthorn. It reminded me of variegated myrtle, but should be a lot hardier.

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I was looking for something to put in the garden to protect my plants from morning sun and wind this looks ideal. Next door have had to plant a new septic tank because the one they put in two years ago when the house was built did not work. They have planted it next to a mature pine which is fast going brown and will probably be dead very soon. It is in their garden so I need something in my own garden to replace it. Up to 5m sounds ideal.

15 Jun, 2011


I do like things with light coloured evergreen foliage SG. Choisya is another favourite of mine, and of course Eucalyptus.

15 Jun, 2011


I have 2 Eucalyptus trees planted to try and obscure next door from my view. I have never had any luck with Choisya. It does not seem to be hardy in this garden.

15 Jun, 2011


Yes, some of mine are badly damaged, but Choisya Ternata 'Sundance' seems to do well, as does Choisya 'Aztec Pearl'.

16 Jun, 2011

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