Sambucus Black Lace.
By Dottydaisy2

5 Jun, 2011
Although this was pruned severely it has made an enormous amount of growth...
Comments on this photo
Thanks Cinders, have to watch out for blackfly, and then I hose it off, does the trick...
5 Jun, 2011
Its lovely Dotty, wish I had this variety.
5 Jun, 2011
I shall be pleased when mine is like this ,it was new last year it has a couple of flowers, thanks for the tip about the blackfly .......
5 Jun, 2011
I love this. Keep saying I am going to have one but haven't got around to it yet!
5 Jun, 2011
This is the one my OH thought was ' a nice Acer' .. he'll learn ... one day! : o )
5 Jun, 2011
Oh bless him Shirley, Karen if you want a fast grower this is the one for you, Amy you will love it, it certainly likes our soil, Dawn they are fairly must have room in your garden lol
5 Jun, 2011
This is one I would really like to try in my garden.....just need to find a gap
6 Jun, 2011
It's on my shopping list for this afternoon Annie, but I don't know if I will actually get it....will there be a space...will there be too much dark foliage....and I have been trying to 'simplify' lately rather than add more and more different things.
6 Jun, 2011
I've got this, bought last year, but mine is very spreading and I would like it more your shape (not sure of your shape, but you know what I mean), any advise welcome. Is that Frisia? the colours look amazing together. I saw another lovely elder at Malvern which was very similar, but the flowers are more was a show stopper for me. It's on my Malvern blog if you want to see it and yes, I want that one too;-)
7 Jun, 2011
i have this .............. a year old now , dident know it got blackfly urgggg
7 Jun, 2011
BA we pruned it to the shape we want, tall and thin, so fairly open in the middle, we also prune some of the branches off during the year, it is a bit of a monster but, such a statement with yellow........It is Robinia frisia, unfortunately it is on it's last legs has not being doing well for the last three years now.I will have a look at your blog on Malvern again.
Cristina it happens to a lot of shrubs that put on a lot of young sappy growth in a year.
7 Jun, 2011
think the hailstones today wud have knoked em now .......... they were like gobstopers urggggg
8 Jun, 2011
I had a lovely frisia, but it outgrew its space. I used to chop it down and it would put on tremendous amount of growth each year. A by-product of chopping was the lawn and everywhere, so it had to go. Beautiful tree though in the right place. Do you just take the side branches off black lace? Do they not grow back ? I'm not good at pruning, somethings seem to grow back even more when pruned. I've got a deutzia strwberry fields and the lower branches are full of flower which is hidden by tall growth in front..I can't win, should I cut the tall growth off or will it flower next year?
Oooops I've turned this into a question haven't I:-))
9 Jun, 2011
BA Spritz has just put a blog on about Strawberry fields, maybe she can help you
9 Jun, 2011
BA we just prune it to keep it within the confines of our garden, each garden has different needs.
9 Jun, 2011
\0/ Hello Annella I'll have a look thanks:-) Dd, you make it sound so easy:-))
10 Jun, 2011
Lovely variety and I left one in our last garden, and missed it so have just bought a new one last week. Hope it does as well as yours
10 Jun, 2011
Beautiful, juts Beautiful love it against the glod tree!
10 Jun, 2011
Mad we had one in our last garden so that is why we planted the same here, when this goes we will get another one I just love the foliage colour.
Teds I use a lot of dark foliage and yellow in the garden.
10 Jun, 2011
A top performer DD, every garden should have one!
11 Jun, 2011
Did you see Carol Klein last night she was taking cuttings of these. So there you go DD, get taking cuttings as we all want one.
11 Jun, 2011
I DID get one! I planted it in a pot, partly because I wasn't sure where to plant it, and partly because I am feeling like I may not be here too much longer and want to take things with me when I go.......just the strange way I'm feeling at the moment...anyway, it looks great in it's pot with black ipomoea and lotus etc.
11 Jun, 2011
Finally I bought a Sambucus today ... shall plant it next to a Ligustrum (Privet) 'Lemon and Lime' for a good colour contrast ... thunder rumbling right now so no planting until tomorrow! .....
12 Apr, 2012
Oooh, that will be lovely! :)
12 Apr, 2012
Ha ha, Karen, especially happy as I paid a Fiver for it and the GC wanted £12.99 .......
12 Apr, 2012
I'm still waiting for mine to look like this:-( Only been in a year or two, I'm just impatient:-)
12 Apr, 2012
It will be worth the wait, Ba! ... :o)
12 Apr, 2012
Mine seems to form a V shape and I don't know what to do about it,. I've never been any good at pruning things. It is a very quick grower though so meybe it will look good this year Shirly, I'll put a pic on whatever when it flowers and maybe get some advice:-)
13 Apr, 2012
Ooh-er, a V shape sounds a bit rude to me, Ba! ... I'm not great with pruning either ... hopefully when you post the pic you'll get some sound advice ... :o)
13 Apr, 2012
13 Apr, 2012
BA give it time to grow a little, before you attempt to prune it, ours has been severely pruned this year, will put a pic on for you to see.......
13 Apr, 2012
Thanks Dd, I'll look for your pic. I did prune it a bit last year as one side of the 'v' had shot up about 7 feet, they're pretty even now:-)
14 Apr, 2012
ave dun a cutting from mine , only small yet tho !! ...
14 Apr, 2012
BA have posted a pic......
16 Apr, 2012
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A very dramatic picture. Really lovely.
5 Jun, 2011