Angels Trumpets
By Mushybanna
- 8 Jun, 2011
Finally have one Yeah...
Any tips on keeping it gratefully received
Comments on this photo
Wow - you're so much ahead of me!
For the most blooms give it full sun. The blooms will go over quicker though. Keep moist and feed well.
I allow the third or fourth flower to develop a seed pod. This will give you all the seeds that you'll need!
8 Jun, 2011
Cheers Meanie and Amy A friend grow it from seed in the greenhouse at work
9 Jun, 2011
Ooh Seed pods Mushy , you will be able to try your hand at growing some more !
9 Jun, 2011
You would believe it. Datura grows wild here along the freeways and empty fields (it's a weed). I'll have to take some pics.
10 Jun, 2011
Delonix - I believe that the common weed in the US is D.stramonium, aka Jimson weed. It's a particularly vigorous species isn't it?
The most common one over here is D.metel or any of its many cultivars. I have this one growing this year, along with D.wrightii.
10 Jun, 2011
Here in CA. Datura metel is the one that grows wild. I'm sure there's other species, also.
Datura here is so tenacious. It pops up in the areas along the freeways where there's very little soil...and the soil is hard as a rock.
10 Jun, 2011
Hang on have got mixed up here i thought Angel trumpets were Brugmansia like the one you have in your garden ? Is the same or i have i got wrong ?
10 Jun, 2011
Mushy - the common name "Angels Trumpet" applies to both the "hangy down" Brugmansia and the "pointy uppy" Daturas. It's confusing.....
10 Jun, 2011
Please don't tell i have just got myself some,what i know as bindweed ?
10 Jun, 2011
You mean Morning Glory!!!
10 Jun, 2011
Never heard of morning glory
10 Jun, 2011
Datura is not bind weed, but the commonly grown annual Morning Glory (Ipomea purpurea) is indeed the same family as bindweed!
Isn't the scent heavenly on your Datura by the way!?
10 Jun, 2011
This is definitely not Brugmasia...although, they're in the same family.
Sorry to've got yourself a nice weed there. LOL!!! :>)
I know one person's plant is another person's weed.
11 Jun, 2011
It's a lovely weed!
One of the things about summer that I love is the scent of the freshly opened blooms on Datura.
11 Jun, 2011
I am officialy the worst gardener ...To grow a weed from seed ..LOL
12 Jun, 2011
You're definitely not 'officialy the worst gardener!' This plant is grown in many areas as a potted plant. It just happens to be very weedy here in CA...especially this year with all the rain we've had. :>))
I saw a large one growing wild next to a building in full bloom yesterday. I thought of you. I think I may get a photo of it. The ones that grow wild along the freeways tend to die back in mid-summer when the ground is super dry and hard as cement.
13 Jun, 2011
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Wow , how beautiful , I know nothing about them ,did you grow it from a seed or a plant ?
8 Jun, 2011