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Fence going up! Once up, I will be putting in a rock garden all over the incline. The area is partly shaded, what would go well here?? ideas, please!

Fence going up! Once up, I will be putting in a rock garden all over the incline. The area is partly shaded, what would go well here?? ideas, please!

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Added to GoYpedia Fencing Ideas !

14 Jun, 2011


thanks, TT..the fence will provide so much privacy in a small yard with many neighbour! dave's swollen elbow will not be in vain!

14 Jun, 2011


Is that a doggie's "headlight eyes" in the distance ?

14 Jun, 2011


oh yes..that's chummy, although scrunchion is usually the one trying to get in on the pics lately. the start up noise of the camera has become her cue. lol

14 Jun, 2011


Heucheras!! :))

30 Sep, 2013

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