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Swarm of bees number two

Swarm of bees number two

Hubby took the picture.

Comments on this photo


wow - cool

11 Jun, 2011


Amazing picture...are they aggresive?

12 Jun, 2011


Thanks Paul and Rbtkew.

They are not aggresive unless you scare them. This is a bee colony from our first bee hive. We had to remove five Queen bees from the first bee hive to prevent any more swarms leaving.

13 Jun, 2011


thats amazing ~ were you safely inside??

13 Jun, 2011


lol...Stickitoffee. I was about ten feet away and ready to make a run for it if I had to.

13 Jun, 2011


Wow, amazing, fascinating to see!

14 Jun, 2011


Yes Lulu, it was amazing and kind of scary too.

14 Jun, 2011


I bet it was, wasps are unpredictable!

14 Jun, 2011

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