Delphinium 'King Arthur'
By Gillian

7 Jun, 2008
Comments on this photo
Thanks! It's only a small plant this year, hope it will be more impressive with time.
I also got the one with a black centre, but that hasn't flowered yet.
8 Jun, 2008
Beautiful Colour :)
8 Jun, 2008
Oh this is so gorgeous Gillian! It just about took my breath away!
How deep and vivid the color! Makes my little Clematis bloom look kind of sick , haha.
Your background with gardening is enviable. Probably the best I can do is what I remember of my Irish Grandmother in Vancouver BC who gardened and although I didn't think much at the time my love of it and the little natural ability I have must have come from her.
I am widowed now and in a 3rd floor apartment with a deck. I am just begining to get back some zest for life and have been busy creating a container garden including a few veggies and strawberries.
I am excited about my digital camera (first one) and this site is so encouraging and stimulating. Well we will see what I can do on this deck! Of course some sunshine would be a huge help! It seems like it is never going to stop raining & cloudy! The saying here in the Pacific Northwest is "We don't tan, we rust!"
Warm regards,
9 Jun, 2008
Nice blooms! I put in two PG 'Guinevere' this spring but they are still very small, no blooms yet...
12 Jun, 2008
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This photo is of "Delphinium 'King Arthur'" in Gillian's garden
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I like this with white middle :-)
8 Jun, 2008