garden mid june 2011 023
By Kfunsters

19 Jun, 2011
view across the pond
Comments on this photo
Wow! That is some pond! Beautiful.
20 Jun, 2011
Thanks all, it gives me much pleasure. When we dug it out (luckily all sand and easy going) I actually swam in it altough it was only 3 strokes, I still did it lol. I was in it to ensure the liner had few creases in it and used the water pressure to stretch it out - the things we do.
20 Jun, 2011
what a lovely pond area you have,gorgous :)
20 Jun, 2011
Sorry Homebird had to laugh, I've nearly fallen in a few times I'm sure its only time.
21 Jun, 2011
Oh lord NO!! What worries me is my mobile phone in my pocket!!! It wouldn't survive a swim in a pond!
21 Jun, 2011
lovely, iv had lots of blanket weed this year and have added something to clear it but still taking it out every day, are you getting this KF ?
2 Jul, 2011
Thats such a lovely pond you have there Kfunsters, it looks so natural, with all the cobbles and the water plants.
We are getting blanket weed aswell Sanbaz, and lots of it! It seems that its really bad this year. We have tried all these different thing to cure it even an electrical device thats supposed to zap it, but what a waste of money. I think the best thing (but still not brilliant) is the Barley straw...... Good luck with it anyway.
2 Jul, 2011
Blanket Weed swear swear swear - a constant battle. I have two large filters that have UV lights which is supposed to do the job - but it hasn't. I have barley straw bales and I have added treatments. Then I spend time with a cane hooking out what I can. If I didn't do all of this my pond would be full of the damned stuff.
2 Jul, 2011
thanx KF sorry you have probs with it to, i have a good filter and light to but still comes so guess i will be fishing it out forever and a day lol :o)
3 Jul, 2011
I have just sent a message to a friend who found something that worked for blanket weed, i will let you know what she recommends....
3 Jul, 2011
that would be great lulu, please let us know ;o)
3 Jul, 2011
Ahhh Uv cures green algi -perhaps thats why green algi isn't a problem -thanks homebird.
3 Jul, 2011
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Brilliant what a gorgeous pond - love the big cobbles that lead to it and also the planting around it
20 Jun, 2011