The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Lemon Cucumber


By Crissue

Lemon Cucumber

Our first ever try, not the easiest to strike, but here she is Lemon Cue...nowhere near ready, but I thought just in case, I'll take a pic now... :o)

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Didnt know you could get lemon cucumber. Be interesting to see how that does.

20 Jun, 2011


Hi Cinders, I googled it for info some time back, and there were conflicting opinions, one person wrote that there was no difference in taste to the norm, while another wrote that it did have a distinct lemony I guess we won't know till we eat it, it will add colour tho to a salad. The seeds came from UK, through Amazon...not the cheapest way of doing it, won't do that again....

20 Jun, 2011


wow lemon cucumber ! New one on me too :):):)

21 Jun, 2011


I spotted another today, just the size of a small marble, quite excited now...

21 Jun, 2011

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