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The wall :-(


By Pee

The wall :-(

This has got to be the worst wall you've seen along the border of a garden!! Any suggestions would be more than welcome as to how we can cover it, what we could grow against it to camouflage it. We've considered painting it but it's the neighbours stable wall so we have to be careful. We don't want it to ruin the final effect of our garden.

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That's not so bad. I would go for very deep beds and plant tall shrubs all the way across such as a Weigelia, a Photinia Red Robin a Spireas, and a Buddleia planted in a zigzag pattern to give depth and interest.

21 Jun, 2011


A big fence in front of it!!!! can't you render it? if not i would paint it, Good advice from drc, It will take time tho for plants to grow tall enough to disguise the wall. I would be mortified if my neighbour did this to me lol..

21 Jun, 2011


The trouble with painting you have to keep it up. It looks as if its an older building that has been raised? You could check if they have PP.

21 Jun, 2011


Thanks for the tips Drc726. I'll have a look at the plants you suggested. I'd love to put a fence in front of it Youngdaisy but the panels in the pic are 6ft so we would need 12ft panels at least and quite a few of them to obscure the wall. We moved here 15 months ago and unfortunately the stable wall was here long before us but you would think that they would have considered neighbours ... some people eh!! I think that next door would allow us to do something with the wall (strictly speaking it's about 2ft away from our border) and we have considered painting it. The latest idea is just fixing trellis and growing climbers. Any suggestions for a good all year round climber???

3 Jul, 2011


Have you considered perspective? If you plant a tree right at the bottom end of the garden the view from the top end is not altered much. But if you plant a tree at some distance between top and bottom, the view from the top is disguised by the tree. I mention it as it looks like you have room to do this.
The other thing that could work here is 'Pleaching' - a line of hedge or shrubs with a hedge above that made by pleaching trees. I have very recently written a blog on Pleaching with photos if you care to look.

3 Jul, 2011


Pee...we have a concrete panel fence on one side of our garden and when we had the garden revamped a couple of months ago I was going to paint the concrete white. When I spoke to the lady gardener who was undertaking the remake she suggested we paint it a dark brown (almost a chestnut). I was dubious but we are very pleased with the result.

We do plan to plant a climbing rose and other taller plants as time goes on but it is surprising the difference it makes to not look at the plain concrete. Perhaps you could try something the same?

My blogs show photos of how the concrete fencing looks if you want to take a peek.

3 Jul, 2011


That's interesting Whistonlass, we thought if we paint it that it would have to be white so brown is a curve ball. Will def give it thought. :-)

4 Jul, 2011

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