The Garden Community for Garden Lovers



By Crissue


Just a puddle...but we've actually got some of the wet stuff...been raining all night here, and it looks like it's in for the day...The Garden and Lawns are going to be so are the Farmers..and the River Loire could do with a drop or three as well...

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been great - and it also held off for me last couple of days until night - Brill

22 Jun, 2011


I didn't think I would be so glad to see Rain...not so much for me personally, but we are surrounded by Arable Land, and our Farmers are feeding the Cattle the store put aside for Winter feed, as nothing is growing..and when they bale up, the size of the bales have halved to their norm...The Mayor of our Village is really good...he's told us all not to water our Lawns, they'll turn green again in Autumn...and definitely no watering before dusk...We're all doing our bit to conserve water...

22 Jun, 2011


Wish we could send you some of the gallons of water which have fallen here over the last week! Yesterday, it really was a downpour (for the whole of the day and night!)

22 Jun, 2011


I agree with Constancesp - I wish you could have some of ours - we've had rain every day for about 10 days here and the grass is loving it. You are right about the farmers though Crissue - their need is greater.

22 Jun, 2011


Well it's back to normal, UK's hogging all the rain again,
(joke)..Temperatures cool in the evening, sunny warm, but also overcast, a real mixture..if we had a steady shower each night it would help...ah well....

24 Jun, 2011

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