my next project
By Clairej2506
- 22 Jun, 2011
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there's another pic on here with a view from the other end, under the bins and about a foot in from the car park all the way along nothing grows, the other residance have had it returffd so many times they said, then i found out it's because its concreet, i'm working on another patch atm but im saving all the stones (we have a fair few lol) so i can do a path over the concreet, also need to come up with something to lay under the bin's, i'll get there one day lol.
30 Jun, 2011
Pictures by clairej2506
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Gardening with friends since
10 Nov, 2009
I have a very similar space to this (18ft wide x 4ft deep). (When the house was built it was supposed to stay as grass - sod that! It's a planting opportunity!!).
There's a lot more life and pleasure to be had from a narrow border, than a strip of grass.
30 Jun, 2011