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Kniphofia uvaria and antirrhinum

Kniphofia uvaria and antirrhinum  (Kniphofia uvaria)

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Pretty colours together :o)

27 Jun, 2011


This is a self sown Antirrhinum in a pot. It is a lucky co incidence that the colours are so complimentary. The Red Hot Pokers are grown from stock we got from the old chap who lived in my OHs grandmothers old house. They date back to the late 1800's at least.

27 Jun, 2011


Interesting to know the background of this :o)

27 Jun, 2011


It is a hoot to be able to say you know the family history of your plants better than most families know of their own roots.

27 Jun, 2011


Gives a whole new meaning to "family trees" ;o)

27 Jun, 2011



27 Jun, 2011


i love the red hot pokers, i'd really like some for our front wall. Do they spread very far?
The anthrrhinum are a beautiful colour combo aswell, we call them the talking flower cos if u squeez the flower gently they open and look like lil mouths hehehe. The lady next door to me has them in pots out back aswell, i think she thought i was mad when i showed her lol.

27 Jun, 2011


I have 2 borders with these in now and I split them after three years and cut off the roots because they would be in Australia if I did not. I do find they can be very nasty smelly if I do not take away the heavy foliage at the bottom each year. I also tie them up to keep the flower buds from being frosted and then when they are released in the spring I take off some more of the bottom leaves, any that look untidy. I find them quite prolific and a lot of work but along with lupins these are OHs favourites. The antirrhinumson the other hand are self sown, first sown a few years back. We call them snap dragons because they snap shut after squeezing them open.

27 Jun, 2011

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This photo is of "Kniphofia uvaria and antirrhinum " in Scotsgran's garden

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