Morning glory2
By Surreylad

29 Jun, 2011
another of my ipomea's i have these scrambling among the plants, so they can poke their heads out randomly..
Comments on this photo
yes that's what i like about them, they are really intense when the sun shines on them..
29 Jun, 2011
I love those, must buy some next year.
29 Jun, 2011
i really do rate them Michaella, they are happy climbing a trellis or as i have them scrambling over the floor..
29 Jun, 2011
A beauty and such a lovely blue too.
29 Jun, 2011
thanks sixpence..
30 Jun, 2011
:o)) Your welcome Surreylad.
2 Jul, 2011
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This photo is of species ipomea tricolour.
This photo is of "morning glory" in Surreylad's garden
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looks like a light is shining from it!
29 Jun, 2011