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Hydrangea that was once Blue, !!

Hydrangea that was once Blue, !!

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This is one plants I just can't seem to keep alive!!! I've read that Hydrangea change color according to the elements in the soil or something like that.

2 Jul, 2011


apparently so, my daughter bought a pink one and a blue one, now they are both pink, I must find out what to use to change it back to blue again,

2 Jul, 2011


I'm going to try growing a hydrangea again,,,,I just have to find the right spot for it. Let me know what you find out....I would love a blue one too.

2 Jul, 2011


will do dear,

2 Jul, 2011


They used to say put old razor blades in years ago, but dont think anyone uses them these days !!! Don't know what the substitute would be. Its lovely anyway Yorks.

2 Jul, 2011


apparently you can buy something from the GC, will have to ask my son-in-law,

2 Jul, 2011


use ericaceous compost Yorkshire it is slightly more acidy that will turn it blue..

2 Jul, 2011


Oh, I have that ericaceous feed I bought, can I use that,

2 Jul, 2011


you can yes it may not do to much to start with though, but give it a good mulch with ericaceous compost autumn time and again spring that should do the trick or leafmould :-)

2 Jul, 2011


My Oh said to say thanks for your help/advice, we have the ericaceous compost in the garage,

2 Jul, 2011


Your welcome Yorkshire :-)

2 Jul, 2011


Well done Val,

4 Jul, 2011


I would love to get this one back to blue John,

5 Jul, 2011

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