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Pussycat Path 'Japonica' side view

Pussycat Path 'Japonica' side view

Hostas all trimmed, repotted and replanted, they were not doing well in the garden. Don't think it was slug damage. Roots checked for vine weevil (none found), mulched with grit both border and pots.....fingers crossed!!

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I find with hostas they do better in pots (that's my experience anyway!!) than they do in the garden.

That's a beautiful acer on the right hand side of the photo by the way - lovely dark colour.

3 Jul, 2011


I haven't had many problems with hostas in the ground, although a little slug damage here and there, nothing I can't live with but this was different, and was really getting on my nerves!!!!
I've had this Acer for around 12 years Sheilar....brought it with me to my new house. Not in the best position but it has been in the ground here for 4 years and I don't want to disturb it again!!
It is a standard and the leaves just touch the ground on this side. I must take a pic and post - but will wait until the leaves start turning as it is an amazing red!

3 Jul, 2011


Lovely Scottish, great idea to use the pebbles too!

4 Jul, 2011


That looks really good and I envy you that Acer, its a smashing colour...

9 Oct, 2011


thanks Lincslass - it is gorgeous, like a purple waterfall :)

9 Oct, 2011

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