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Cosmos 'Choca Mocha'

Cosmos 'Choca Mocha'

Label says "propagation is illegal without a license"?? ...can someone explain please? don't remember seeing this on a plant label before...

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Cosmos atrosanguineus (Chocolate Cosmos) is a species of Cosmos, native to Mexico, where it is extinct in the wild. The species was introduced into cultivation in 1902, The single surviving clone is grown for its rich dark red-brown flowers. It is not self-fertile, so no viable seeds are produced, and the plant has to be propagated by division of the tubers. As its freely available in garden centres I can only think the label is a mistake? And who would know what you do with it anyway?

3 Jul, 2011


Ha!!! the 'who would know' is what i thought...acquired another label from a plant a friend bought recently from a different source - no 'illegal' note on hers..??
I looked for info on t'internet since I posted this seems to me that an australian company are claiming to have improved on the original so much that they are claiming some sort of rights to it??
the link below is where I found this info -
if you are unable to retrieve this link, all I did was type in 'cosmos choca mocha plants propagation'..
cheers drc, I appreciate your info! :-)

3 Jul, 2011



3 Jul, 2011


its lovely regardless..worth breaking the law for me thinks..your secret is safe on t'internet

7 Jul, 2011 make me laugh :-D

7 Jul, 2011

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