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Hanging Baskets


By Crissue

Hanging Baskets

The Geranium baskets that nearly didn't happen...They were taken down and placed on the garden table for watering...and a huge freak wind lifted them up and threw them up the garden...broken and battered, I had to start all over again...This is six weeks on...not doing too bad...

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Not too bad at all!!! lol!

11 Jul, 2011


very smart

11 Jul, 2011


A good rescue there. My trailing geraniums are such a let down this year - they are taking ages to show any signs of flowering. If they don't hurry up they'll be on the compost heap before they've flowered.

11 Jul, 2011


Looking great considering the battering they had......

11 Jul, 2011


Not too bad now, I lost all the trailing lobelia and bacopa, and most of the geraniums were grown from cuttings, but i had to buy more to replace those that were decapitated....
Here in France they love trailing geraniums, they are everywhere, and do look lovely, but personally I like a good English Hanging basket, with lots of variety....can't beat it...

12 Jul, 2011


Hang in there frybo...don't forget UK has been awash with everything might take a bit longer...Actually beeen raining here all night whoopee...

12 Jul, 2011


Thanks for the encouragement Crissue. Will try to be patient.

12 Jul, 2011


You're so right about the French hanging baskets, Sue...they're lovely, but always very predictable! lol!

12 Jul, 2011


Hi Karen, when I go into the GC's I suppose it's the same for you....There's stacks and stacks of much space is given over to them...I love them, but they tend to dominate...I love Zonal Geraniums, big blooms that make a statement... :)) Jardiland are not bad at variations, and also you can buy 2 litre pots upwards of perennials...but they're expensive....
What I do like is the way the roundabouts are set up, most are different designs, which have numerous plants of interest...especially Grasses... Gravels and Barks,our Village is always looking so pretty...and Roses like confetti....I've found one on line called Plantagenet Plants....they are English.. and deliver, but it's a minimum of 10 plants...Do you have anywhere in particular that you like....!!

13 Jul, 2011


I must confess that I, mostly, use a couple of local nurseries (not cheap, but if the plant is in their plantfinder books, they'll get it for me!)...and the odd? (no - not really!) impulse purchase from Jardiland and Truffaut!

I do know what you mean about the roundabouts...and they change them often...There's a depot here in Chalais, where they grow everything for the displays...I wonder if they're approachable?

13 Jul, 2011


They look better than mine, my geraniums just about coming into flower. You two are lucky living in France, I'm always looking at houses on line, even started learning to parle francais, but impossible now:-( I'll have to make our house 'frenchified' lol. I've already made a start and hoping for a kitchen makeover soon (doors and worktops) so I can pretend:-)) Have you had as bad a summer as we have?:-)

24 Jul, 2011


Hi Bornagain....HOT HOT HOT....we are glad of the little rain we've had...and so are the Farmers...saw a couple of Hay lorries yesterday with bigger bales, that have been cut...seems a bit of an improvement there...
Go for it....with your Kitchen...why not...should be nice...

24 Jul, 2011

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