Mop Top
By Crissue

11 Jul, 2011
Our little Canary just after taking a bath, he shares his cage with the tiniest little Quail, a button day I may just catch a shot of these animals without their back turned lol...
Comments on this photo
canarys are lovely ,i have 9 plus 8 guinea pigs 5 ferrets 6 hens various finches & the princess bonnie noodles oh & the wife lol
11 Jul, 2011
Haha! You're worse than me, Tp! My menagerie is down to 2 cats, 2 dogs, 3 hens (we had to kill and eat the cockerel - he was just too evil!) and one parrot! Not counting the dormice and the stone martin, who 'share' the same buildings!!!
11 Jul, 2011
You ate the evil Cockeral Karenfrance? OMG hahaha.
11 Jul, 2011
haha - know the feeling when I try capture moths and things they fly off
11 Jul, 2011
Youngdaisyd - it was a first - he did that running around thing, after he was dead! He was very tough and had to be cooked slowly for a very long time...I'm never having another cockerel!!!
11 Jul, 2011
Hahahaha thats so funny, I was going to ask if he was tough hahaha, hope you didnt get sore tums :)))))))
11 Jul, 2011
oh sorry i forgot my 2 parrollets lol
11 Jul, 2011
Hi everyone, thanks for all your comments, I sure had a giggle...Mop top earned his name, 'cause he has a brown mop of feathers that stand up like a Punk rocker and fringe...Pete you will probably have seen the breed if you keep Canaries...We've had him three years now...hey and what a neighbour has Finches in a purpose built Aviary on his covered's lovely to hear them twittering away...
Trying to get Photos of our little creatures is a real hard task for me... my H cracks up, at my effort lol....
As the Garden develops, all the other Garden dwellers pay their visits and some stay, and that's a good sign...
Its great to know others that keep hens...Lovely fresh eggs, ooh...As for the Cockerel Karen, they can be vicious little devils...but most people would rather kill a cock for the oven than a hen...more meat.
Last week, I could hear this young Cockerel, practicing his crowing, and finally pin pointed his whereabouts as next door...there are lots of Chicken/Duck/Goose keepers around me I was surprised, but enjoyed his little efforts all week, and my girls were happy listening to him...Then doom, on Sunday an awful racket, that scared the wot sit outta me, I thought he was being got at by other animals...He's no more, and I think by the clatter of plates and noise coming from next doors garden, he was on the menu for Alfresco Sunday Lunch.....I felt sick...
We did a revamp on our girls Housing and yard Karen i'll pull the pics up to show you...
Thanks once again all...
12 Jul, 2011
Would love to see your chicken coop, Sue. Think that all the girls need is to hear a cockerel, somewhere! Mine are all relieved that Cockaleekie is no more...he was nasty to them as well...pecked them off the food! The last one I had was called, 'The General', he looked after his girls and was an all round 'good egg'!! lol!
YDD - I'll give you another laugh! In the Spring and early Summer, I hunt down and eat all the snails which have grazed all my emergent shoots to ground level! Gently simmered in white wine, garlic and parsley...a fitting end, I think, heehee! :)
12 Jul, 2011
Oh Noooooo Karen hahaha not the snails, please say your joking :))))) ya not, are you, Eughhh lol. Listen to me, we eat wilicks up here (is that how you spell it ) and there delicious, yum.. I agree, a fitting end Karen, Justice... Dee..
12 Jul, 2011
PS, Cockaleekie deserved to go, if he couldnt look after his hareem, he deserved all he got ;) The General sounds like he was a stud. Good on him lol.
12 Jul, 2011
I don't have cocks any more, the poor hens, it's like being at a rodeo...Mine are so tame they go down automatically, and I give their back a good scratch, that seems to keep them
13 Jul, 2011
13 Jul, 2011
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Haha! That's the hard bit, isn't it - you line up a great shot, you click!...and before the camera has done its thing...they've moved!!!lol!
11 Jul, 2011