By Rusty_shovel
- 18 Jul, 2011
the previous dog, Boomer, who loved to visit every neighbor. This one always gave him some kind of bread to bring home. Boom would not eat it, just carry it home like it was the most important thing on the planet. He'd take it out on the patio, and sit with it for about 30 minutes. Then leave it for the birds.
Comments on this photo
Hello Boomer....don't you just love them...!!
19 Jul, 2011
Boomer was probably my favorite of all the dogs we've had. He was a momma's boy, but not a sissy. If you came near me, he would revert to the wolf side of his ancestry, unless I said make friends, no one petted him or came near to me. Boomer had to make friends first, then you were cool!
those yellow eyes sort of made everyone afraid of him. One neighbor down the road was afraid of dogs, except him. Boomer helped her climb over a big pile of snow.
Another woman who hated dogs fell over by the grocery store where we walked. I tried to help her up, but she was very unsteady. Guess she knocked her bean when she fell. Told her to hang on to Boomer's leash while I helped her up with both hands. Ole Boom got her up. After that she would come out of her house to say hello to him. Before that she would not let anyone walk on her lawn. A good dog is a great ambassedor. I really miss that one.
19 Jul, 2011
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I love that, what a lovely little story :-)))
I used to have a dog that would gently take a newspaper from a fellow dogwalkers hand as he and i stopped to chat !!!!!
19 Jul, 2011