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Same Heuchera


By Crissue

Same Heuchera

Perhaps Cinders you will be able to I.D. it for me...please..

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Like this one and I ruled out Blood red (flowers deep red) and wonder if its Mint Julip (cream white )or Mint frost (creamy)?

19 Jul, 2011


Thanks Drc ...I don't remember red flowers more paler...
It's healthy, in deep shade, but not growing very quickly..
I must have had it a couple of years...

19 Jul, 2011


I've googled both...and Mint Julep is the closest match..
this is the info I copied....

Variety or cultivar: 'Mint Julep' _ 'Mint Julep' is a mound-forming, semi-evergreen, herbaceous perennial with lime- to bright green, silvery foliage and tall, arching stems bearing panicles of tiny, bell-shaped, white flowers in spring until summer.

Heuchera 'Mint Julep' is: Semi evergreen

Flower: White in Spring; White in Summer

Foliage: Variegated, Silvery-grey, Lime green, Bright-green in All seasons

Habit: Clump-forming

Companion planting: Plant astilbes with hostas and border phlox, which both like the same damp, shady conditions.

It is planted with Astilbe, and seems to be in the right conditions...just hasn't grown as much as my Purple Palace has...which is big now...
Thanks for your Help...

19 Jul, 2011


Glad its got a name now. I planted 10 last year, 8 in full sun and 100% compost have grown really big. the other 2 are in garden soil - 1 in shade and one in full sun and they have flowered but hardly grown.

19 Jul, 2011


very nice

19 Jul, 2011


Ditto! :)

19 Jul, 2011


Thanks everyone....What i'll do then later Drc, is lift it and fill the planting hole with compost, and replant, maybe it will like that better....
Another thought is to take a split from it and plant it in my Hosta -Woodland area...should blend really well...
It's name is now in my book....:)))

20 Jul, 2011


Sorry don't know this one.

20 Jul, 2011


Its a lovely green. I am awaiting four new ones from Vicky. I haven't got a really 'apple green' one like this, so I ordered a long ago I can't even remember what they are called now! Should be coming soon though....exciting!

25 Jul, 2011


That sounds great KarenS...hope you like's called 'Mint Julep'...I've now got loads of splits, accidently...and they are coming along fine....

26 Jul, 2011


Great! :))

26 Jul, 2011

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