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New Orchid .....


By Jacque

New Orchid .....

Never had 1 b4 hope i dont kill it! i think their so Beautiful :)

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striking colour

11 Jun, 2008


Thanx Irish :D

11 Jun, 2008


Lovely and so delicate.

14 Jun, 2008


Hi Jacque. I hope that you enjoy growing orchids as much as I do. They're so beautiful and this variety is especially easy to care for. It looks like the flower blossom on the far right might dry up and fall off. Actually, looking at the date you posted this pic, it probably already happened. Don't fret though, that sometime happens to me when I get a new one. I think that it's the shock of a new environment. They come from the nursery where they're in ideal environments, and then to my home where it's much too hot and dry. They like hummidity. I've been told to place pebbles in a saucer and fill with water to where pebble tops are still dry and place orchid on top for humidty. They also don't like to get their "feet" wet. Their roots will rot if standing in water. Good luck to you. This one's a nice color :)

8 Jul, 2008


Wow your so rite Tasteyg about that bud falling off as it did a few wks after i had it :) it now has 2 more flower`n stems il post a pic 2 show u Tasteyg, Thanx so much 4 the help uv given on pebbles ect iv been sprayn it with rain water as i was told they perfer that& i let it dry rite out b4 i water it ! i read on its bag it came in not 2place in direct sun lite as they dont like it? Many Thanx 4 ur brill adviceX

8 Jul, 2008

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