Our Fish...
By Crissue

25 Jul, 2011
Managed to get a good shot this time, actual size...lovely they are...:))
Comments on this photo
Have you not got a pump...!! we're sorting ours out, its playing up a bit, so that's how I managed to capture them...
25 Jul, 2011
Yes...have a pump...just not enough surface plant coverage yet :((
Also too much sun and too much rain in equal quantities - lost my marginal iris when I was away...it just collapsed and died...can only put it down to the scorching temeratures at the time... :(((
25 Jul, 2011
Nice fishies! I cant see mine for the lily pads! and watermint..I was just filling the pond up and forgot the hose was on..Gah! bottom of garden is drenched lol
25 Jul, 2011
Lovely :))))))))))
25 Jul, 2011
Thanks all, they were tiny little things when I bought them,...I love them, they are so knowing, and will come to your fingers... :)))
While I was at the GC the other day, I was looking at the big pebbles, I would like to cover the bottom, tho our pond is clear, it still helps to keep the silt down, but they only had white, bit to stark I think...am looking for a good mix of colour, nice flatish rounds etc...
Karen I've got a Houttynia Cameleon in a big pot stood in the pond, and that helps to shade...I don't know how big your pond is...Ours is only small, and tho I would love a lily, it's not really big enough for both....
26 Jul, 2011
Cant you steal some from the beach?
My orfs were only 2ins long when I got them, now they ar about 8 or 9ins! Well the watermint kinda takes over and so soes the lily..I jsut cut them back every now and then :)
26 Jul, 2011
I think I may have to do some planting around the outside of my pond...
...I put a water lily in last year...but they seem to take a few years to get going...
...also I have a fish called a 'carpe d'amour'...quite plain to look at, but eats all the old plant material and helps to keep the water clear...well is supposed to! lol! He comes for feeding along with all the other fish! lol! - doesn't eat daphnia, 'tho!
My pond is sort of attached to a natural spring, which has, in the past, been made to look like a well...hard to explain...will post a pic! lol!
26 Jul, 2011
Sadly I'm too far from the beach, but I am near the Loire, lol...there's a bit of a beach...could look next time i'm passing...thanks...
I remember your Pond from your pics it's quite big...nice..
26 Jul, 2011
I know the thing you mean Karen...When OH worked at the Chateau...their fish were in a pond that was fed by a natural spring, fantastic, and the water was clear as crystal...The other thing I thought of, when we had a big pond at the other house, we had a UV filter, that the water passes through before it goes through the pump...I don't know whether we've still got it...I'll ask OH, if so you can have it, it's far to big for ours...
26 Jul, 2011
That would be fab, Sue...if you can't use it anymore, thank you! :)))
In the beginning, the pond was to be fed by the spring...that phase not happened yet! Too many other things to do...but will get around to it, sometime! lol!
26 Jul, 2011
OOh Carpe d'amour..sounds so romantic for a fish lol :)
Yes Sue dont buy anything unless you HAVE to! lol I always scrounge about to see what I can find before buying anything lol..AH well I'm Scottish lol
I need some oxygenating plants I think I turfed them out when I celaned the pond the last time lol..all that gunge!
Lillies take a while to grow yes..The wee one flowered this year for the first time it is 2yrs old..but the toher one which was put in first has had many flowers this year..but too many pads! tho I think Froggy enjoys leaping form one to the other lol I hear him plopping about at night..rarely see him tho. :)
26 Jul, 2011
My water lily made a great start, this year...but, really, hasn't liked the weather...
But, the goldfish have had babies!!! :)))
Not sure how many have survived (in the past I've had up to 60)...the Koi eat everything!...the frogs have been on a hiding to nothing all year...:(((
...but there are definitely one or two....
26 Jul, 2011
It will come next year I'm sure :)
Ph wee babies! 60! Omg! My pond isnt big enough lol
Its a wonder my Froggy is still there Suki runs straight down to the pond when i let her out later at night..all I hear is plop plop plop lol
26 Jul, 2011
I bought 4, about 6 years ago and put them into a tiny little preformed pond...the next year - Hey Presto!
Lots of them were eaten by dragonfly nymphs...but I gave away around 40...I had to leave around a dozen in the old pond...and I have 5 now, which are the descendants of the original fish...plus however many have just arrived! :))))
I love the frogs...they eat mosquitoes! :))))
26 Jul, 2011
lol we dont have mosquitos here ..just flamin' midges! grrr
26 Jul, 2011
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Nice, clear water...mine's like pea soup! lol!!
25 Jul, 2011